Friends and Resources

Considering joining the Foreign Service, especially as a Medical Provider? Here are resources and inspiration:

Place2Place Blog These folks are as charming as they come and kept their FS blog active for an incredible 15+ years. Our blog title comes from my brief correspondence with Dina, who described their journey as “wild and worthwhile.”

Nurse Practitioner Worldwide Nick knows what’s up.

Beth Dittman, Life Coach The best person to have in your corner.

The Chateau de Gudanes Inspiration to take the road less traveled. Because aren’t we all renovating our own French castle – metaphorically speaking?

The Foreign Service on Reddit

Reports of what it’s like to live anywhere in the world (

The World Factbook (

The Unofficial Rules of Foreign Service blogging… Plus some official rules about social media. Basically, our site won’t contain anything political, or talk about my job/patients, or the work of the embassy. It’s a family travel blog.

If you’re hoping to become a Foreign Service Medical Provider, this podcast is a must-listen:

For Foreign Service families: make use of the Big Purple Blob resources for families.

Thank You’s

The FS recruitment process is an emotional rollercoaster. Thank you to our loved ones who rode the rollercoaster with us. Thank you to the FS and DoD families who came out of the woodworks to share their experiences – over and over, we were told “It’s worth it! Keep going!” Thank you to our friends, neighbors, and coworkers who were interviewed by the security investigators, and apparently didn’t deter them.