… you wait your whole Soviet childhood, and the day finally arrives when you get to glimpse a rusty Spider-Man climbing the Taj Mahal, paint faded and peeling.
“No, you can’t get close to it!”
There are 3 small facsimiles of park rides; 2 are broken, but you ride them anyway.
“You must remember to thank the men who heaved the rollercoaster off the platform! How they struggled!”
You order a stale, dry donut and a cup of cocoa from a bored teenager bundled up in a shack that promises flavors from a magical land called “Germany.” She reluctantly looks up from her phone to explain that she needs to go find someone who can operate the cocoa machine.
“She has been gone for so long. Did she run off with your money?”
No! An angry man has come to make you scalding cocoa – receive it quickly! You sip it, tongue too burnt to savor the chocolate the way the children must do in Germany, while you watch some happier children ice skate.
“Perhaps next year, there will be skates available in your size.”
Perhaps there will be. Filled with wonderment at all you have beheld today, you drive home on potholed streets under the endless grey sky.
As you tuck into bed, you thank the State for your visit to Flamingo World. But wait – do you dare to ask the question that’s been burning in your mind all day? “Papa? What’s a flamingo? Did I see one today?”
“HUSH CHILD! The gulags are filled with such insolent children!”

Socialism 1, capitalism 0. 😤

This place is walking distance from the embassy. I once asked a driver “Hey, what is Flamingo Park?” and he said, “it is like… Bishkek Disneyland.” Then he laughed and laughed. Now I know why! Our 9-year-old wouldn’t even get near the rides, because she was so worried about their safety. But I was proud of her cleverness when she recovered from her crying fit and said, “the only ride I want to go on is the RIDE HOME.”
And you know what? For all of Flamingo Park’s Soviet “charms,” we had a GREAT day with new friends. The scalding cocoa tasted fantastic, once it cooled. The sky was blue, the air was clean, and the snow was sparkling.
Afterward, our new friends took us to their place and treated us to homemade… well, everything! Biscuits, beef stew, lentil soup, tomato soup, chocolate chip cookies – all of the things that warm the body and the soul. The kids played, the adults shared great conversation, and I’d do it all again in a heartbeat. (Except maybe the Flamingo Park part).