One adult in this family: “I wanna DO something! We should get OUT! It’s NICE, and we only have a half a day left of the weekend!”
The other adult: “I just got back into town, it’s been AMAZING to have a weekend of nothing, and I’m happy for it to finish that way. Besides, since Friday when we both got off work and the kids got out of school:
- We had a family movie night (turned off Lilo and Stitch b/c it was weird and dysfunctional, watched Sleeping Beauty instead)
- Jen got her hair colored (which took half the day, and looks cute as h*ck)
- Me and the little guy got haircuts (and one of us got a beard trim)
- Jen took the older kids on a jog (while Cameron “slept in” until 7:30am)
- One kiddo attended a birthday party (gift, card, drop-off, pick up)
- We made homemade yogurt, homemade popcorn, and the kids made a cake (by themselves!)
- I was on duty, so I took several calls from patients, and went into the embassy to take care of one (who had something benign but rare!)
- We took turns exploring Hyrule all over again in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (but not very much of it)
- We went to the embassy garage sale (the tail end of it, when the sellers were hocking their unsold wares for free)
- We hosted church at our house (simple and lovely)
- I went mountain biking (got up before 6a to squeeze it in)
- We held a second cat-introduction to get Shredder used to Smokey, who will be lodging with us for the summer (lots of hissing and growling)
- Jen and Emery each finished a novel they’ve been reading (separately, so they’ve been contesting over our single copy)
- They started constesting over our single copy of book #2 (Keepers of the Lost Cities)
- I waited on hold at odd hours of the night to fix a wire transfer from our U.S. bank, 12h away
- We did the usual cooking and cleaning, Saturday chores, piano practice, scrubbing the kids, making the menu for the upcoming week, homework, and so on (collapsing in happy exhaustion)
… so yeah, I don’t wanna go anywhere. Next weekend?”